Kentucky Invasive Plant Council

Kentucky Invasive Plant Council

KY-IPC was established in 2000 as a non-profit organization. KY-IPC is a state chapter of SE-EPPC whose purpose is:

  • To raise awareness and promote public understanding regarding the threat posed by invasive exotic pest plants to native plant communities in Kentucky.
  • To facilitate the exchange of information concerning the management and control of invasive exotic pest plants through support of research and monitoring.
  • To serve as an educational, advisory and technical support resource on exotics in Kentucky.
  • To initiate actions to protect Kentucky from the introduction, establishment and spread of invasive exotics.
  • To provide a forum for all interested parties to participate in meetings, workshops, and on a rotational basis with other chapters, host a symposium for the SE-EPPC to share the benefits from the information provided by SE EPPC and other recognized experts.