Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council Invasive Plant Manual Common Name: Kudzu Scientific Name: Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr. This aggressive vine can grow 60 feet per year forming a continuous blanket of foliage. This massive covering often chokes out competing native vegetation that provides food and habitat for native animals. The result is a large-scale alteration of biotic communities. Kudzu is also a problem in forest agriculture and landscaping. It belongs to the Fabaceae (Pea or Bean) family.
Kudzu grows well under a wide range of environmental conditions, although greatest growth is achieved where winters are mild (40-60°F), summer temperatures rise above 80°F, and rainfall is abundant (101+ cm [39 in]). Kudzu can grow in nearly any type of soil (e.g., acid soils, lime soils, lowlands with high water tables, and over heavy subsoil), and where winter soil temperatures remain above -25°F. Large roots allow plants to survive in fairly dry climates and drought conditions. Ideal conditions are moist to well drained and acid to neutral soils (4.5-7.0 pH). New growth may exceed one foot per day . Forest edges or disturbed areas, such as abandoned fields and roadsides, are preferred habitats. Kudzu can persist on the floor of a closed canopy forest; the vines grow up trees toward light and take advantage of any openings. Management Recommendations Mechanical Control Grubbing: Using a pulaski or similar digging tool, remove the entire plant, including the taproot. Removed vegetation should be destroyed by burning or bagging. Because many roots exceed 1.8 m, eradication by this method is very difficult and should be considered primarily for small initial incursions. Cutting: Vines and runners are chopped just above the ground level, and the pieces destroyed. Early in the season, cutting is repeated at two-week intervals, to weaken the crown and prevent resumption of photosynthesis. Later in the season, when the stored energy in the taproot has been reduced, the interval between cuttings can be extended. Cutting does not typically kill roots and should only be used to control the spread of kudzu. Herbicidal Control Cut Stump Method: Use this method in areas where vines are established within or around non-target plants or where vines have grown into the canopy. Glyphosate: Cut the stem 5 cm (2 in) above ground level. Immediately apply a 25% solution of glyphosate and water to the cross-section of the stem. This procedure is effective at temperatures as low as 40°F, and may require a subsequent foliar application of glyphosate. Triclopyr: Cut the stem 5 cm (2 in) above ground level. Immediately apply a 25% solution of triclopyr and water to the cross-section of the stem. This procedure remains effective at low temperatures (<60°F) as long as the ground is not frozen. A subsequent foliar application may be necessary to control new seedlings. Foliar Spray Method: Use this method to control large populations. It may be necessary to precede foliar applications with stump treatments to reduce the risk of damaging non-target species. After the stems and leaves have been brought under control (i.e., all above ground portions of the plants have been effectively treated) further treatment should follow the Root Crown Method. Glyphosate: Apply a 2% concentration of glyphosate and water plus a 0.5% non-ionic surfactant to thoroughly wet all foliage. Do not apply so heavily that herbicide will drip off leaves. Glyphosate is a non-selective systemic herbicide that may kill non-target partially-sprayed plants. Ambient air temperature should be above 65°F. Triclopyr: Apply a 2% concentration of triclopyr and water to thoroughly wet all foliage. Do not apply so heavily that herbicide will drip off leaves. A 0.5% concentration of a non-ionic surfactant is recommended in order to penetrate leaf cuticle. Ambient air temperature should be above 65°F. Root Crown Method: Follow the young or resprouting stem of the plant to the root. Dig and cut into the root crown using a pulaski or similar tool. Apply a 50% glyphosate solution or 50% triclopyr solution to the main root crown and any below ground runners. Bibliography Alabama Forest Products. Convert kudzu to timber in one year? New control methods look promising. Alabama Forest Products 17(10):10, 12, 14, 16; 1974. Albert, W. B. Control of kudzu. Pest Control Notes. Clemson College, Agricultural Experiment Station, Extension Service, Clemson, SC. No. 53; 1958. Ball, D. M.; Walker, R. H.; Dickens, R. Kudzu in Alabama uses and control. Forage production fact sheet. Auburn, AL: Auburn University, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, Circular ANR65; 1979. Chappell, W. E.; Link, M. L. Kudzu control on Virginia highways. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting Southern Weed Science Society; 1977. Dickens, R.; Buchanan, G. Influence of time of herbicide application on control of kudzu. Weed Science 19(6):669-671; 1971. Edwards, M. B.; Miller, J. H. So you want to get rid of your kudzu. Alabama Forests Magazine, March-April, 11-12; 1983. Edwards, M. D.; Gonzalez, F. E. Forestry herbicide control of kudzu and Japanese honeysuckle in loblolly pine sites in central Georgia. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society (39th) 272-275; 1986. Edwards, M. B. A herbicide test for kudzu Pueraria lobata control in central Georgia. Georgia Journal of Science 40(12):10; 1982. Fears, R. D.; Frederick, D. M. Kudzu control on forest planting sites. Proceedings of Southern Weed Science Society 30:260; 1977 W. S. Kudzu. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Weed Science Society, 310. Abstract; 1969. Hern, L. K. Herbicide treatment offers promise in the control of kudzu. Forest Farmer 1(7):17-18; 1982. Martin, R.; Miller, J. H. Soil active herbicides for kudzu control. Report of a Screening Study. Highlights of Agricultural Research, Auburn University 28(4):20; 1981. Michael, J. L. Some new possibilities to control kudzu. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society 35:237-240; 1982. Michael, J. L. Pine regeneration with simultaneous control of kudzu. Proceedings of Southern Weed Science Society 39:282-288; 1986. Miller, J. H. Testing herbicides for kudzu eradication on a piedmont site. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 9(2):128-132, 1985. Miller, J. H. Kudzu eradication trials with new herbicides. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society 41:220-225; 1988. Miller, J. H. Kudzu eradication trials testing fifteen herbicides. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society 39:276-281; 1986. Miller, J. H.; Boyd, E. Kudzu: where did it come from and how can we stop it? Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 7(3):165-169; 1983. Miller, J. H.; Boyd, E. Hazards of applying kudzu control herbicides. USDA Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 1983. Romm, H. J. The development and structure of the vegetative and reproductive organs of kudzu. Iowa State College Journal of Science 27(3):407-419; 1953. Rosen, A. Feasibility study: Eradication of kudzu with herbicides and revegetation with native tree species in two national parks. NPS, Research/Resources Report SER-59; 1982. Shurtleff, W.; Aoyagi, A. The book of kudzu. Brookline, MA: Autumn Press; 1977. Smith, A. E. Kudzu control in nonforested areas with herbicides. Resources Bulletin of the University of Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station: Athens, GA 591: 8; 1990. |
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